Oracle Critical Patch Update April 2009 (CPUApr2009) is out

Oracle just released the April 2009 CPU.The database part of this Critical Patch Update (CPU) contains fixes for 16 security vulnerabilities in the Oracle database. 2 of the Oracle database vulnerabilities (Cluster Services, TNS Listener) are remote exploitable without authentication. The highest CVSS base score is 9.0 is a bug in the resource manager (Oracle 9.2 only) and requires create session privileges only.

This time Oracle has fixed 3 of our vulnerabilities (2 times SQL Injection in Oracle Advanced Queuing, Apex). The description from Oracle concerning the APEX problem is not correct. To access the APEX password hashes  there is no need for an APEX development user. A simple database user with create session is sufficient.

12 researchers are mentioned in this oracle advisory (2 from Red-Database Security (Franz Hüll and Alexander Kornbrust). The usual suspects (Esteban, Joxean and David) are part of the reporters again.

The most critical Oracle security bug (CVE-2009-0979) affects the Resource Manager in Oracle 9.2.

The following database components are affected:

  • Advanced Queuing
  • Application Express
  • Cluster Ready Services
  • Core RDBMS
  • Database Vault
  • Listener
  • Password Policy
  • Resource Manager
  • SQLX Functions
  • Workspace Manager

Red-Database-Securit released 3 advisories (SQL Injection in dbms_aqin, SQL Injection in dbms_aqadm_sys and unprivileged DB users can see APEX password hashes)

More details from the rest of this CPU, patches, exploits, …will be released within the next days.

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