Decrypt Oracle and database link passwords

Oktober 2nd, 2013

At Derbycon 3.0, László Tóth and Ferenc Spala  gave a a new presentation „What’s common in Oracle and Samsung? They tried to think differently… “ (Video). The main focus of the presentation was the Samsung encryption and a new framework called sandy but there was also a small Oracle part.

Laszlo and Ferenc showed how to decrypt Oracle database links in Oracle and Oracle using a small utility called „“. In previous versions Oracle used DES to encrypt/decrypt database links. These database link passwords start with „05“ (Oracle’s indicator for DES).


Fix for oradebug disable auditing available (

September 13th, 2013

2 days ago I gave a presentation „Oracle 12c from the attackers perspective“ at the DOAG SIG Security. I learned some interesting things, especially that a fix for the Oracle oradebug „disable auditing“ problem is available since 9 months.

Oradebug allows to run OS commands and to enable/disable Oracle SYSDBA and normal auditing on the fly without leaving traces in the audit log. The fix for this problem is available in Oracle and was backported to using the patches 15805002, 15808245, 16177780.

By default the setting is not enabled in Oracle

The undocumented parameter  _fifteenth_spare_parameter (Oracle Description: fifteenth spare parameter – integer – Yeah, really useful)  can now disable or limit the oradebug functionality. I could not find any information about this parameter on google or my oracle support.

—— extract from the read me.txt of the patch file——————

## _fifteenth_spare_parameter can be set to „all“, „restricted“ or „none“
## „all“ disables execution of all oradebug commands, „restricted“ disables
## execution of restricted oradebug commands, „none“ (default) allows execution
## of oradebug commands.

—— extract from the read me.txt ——————



DOAG 2012: Best of Oracle Security 2012

November 22nd, 2012

Yesterday I gave a presentation „Best of Oracle Security 2012“ at the DOAG 2012 conference in Nürnberg.

Best of Oracle Security

Self-Defending Databases

November 2nd, 2012

I just uploaded my talk Hashdays 2012 „Self-Defending Databases“ to the Red-Database-Security website.  The talk explains how to detect SQL Injection attacks in databases (Oracle/MSSQL/MySQL) and how to react in case of a SQL Injection (e.g. done with Pangolin, Havij or Netsparker).

Initially the idea covered only Oracle and MSSQL but Xavier Mertens extend the concept to MySQL (MySQL Attacks Self-Detection) after he saw my presentation at the Hashdays Management Session.

2 Cebit 2012 Presentations about Database Security

März 9th, 2012

I just uploaded 2 presentations I gave at the Cebit 2012.